Sunday, August 19, 2012


"Relax enough, and your body becomes so familiar with the cradle-rocking rhythm that you almost forget you're moving." Chris McDougall about Ann Trason in Born to Run

I was dreading this run. I was scared. I read the Ann part in BTR again to get myself out the door. I read about easing into a long run like easing into a hot bath. I read about Caballo teaching Chris to take little steps and keep your spine so straight you hear your vertebrae creak.

Got out the door. I made an effort to listen to my body and tune out everything else. Kept my baseball hat brim low so I could only see the road.

By the time I got near Belmont I realized I felt good but this was just going to take forever. When I made it to North Ave. I took the stairs up to the blue LSD bridge and ran over it. And took the steps down on the other side and back up and over again.

Psychologically I felt a huge relief heading back. And I felt sandy and gummy and slow.

At one point a nice couple with a dog said hi and I knew I was gonna make it when I could smile and say hi back.

11 and a quarter is still nothing, though, compared to what's coming. Right now my leg sockets feel like that creepy broken baby doll with one eye in Toy Story.

I used to love to break my Barbie doll's legs. So, this is interesting karma.

This whole story has to become more about strength than weakness soon.

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